Porque esta semana tudo parece estar de pernas para o ar... esta escolha parece-nos óbvia!!
This week everything seems to be upside down... this felt like the perfect choice for today!!
Via LookBook
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
Acreditem ou não estes sapatos são desta noiva ... lindissima, por sinal!
Believe it or not, these are the shoes this bride wore on her wedding day... Gorgeous!
Credits: Lizelle Lotter Photography via Wedding Cabaret
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
Love them!
Via PoppyTalk
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
Para o Verão que aparenta estar à porta, cada dia com mais intensidade!
For Summer that appears to be around the corner more and more each day!
Image via The Pink and Green Owl
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
Jose Villa sabe mesmo capturar o que uma mulher gosta...
Jose Villa sure knows how to capture what a girl loves...
Credits: The extraordinaire Jose Villa
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
Esta semana não é o modelo que nos atrai... é a forma como a maioria das mulheres encara os saptos, assim..
This week we didn't choose an actual shoe... we decided to honor the way we women feel about them...
Credits: Via Blue Pool Road
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
Quente... tal e qual o tempo lá fora!!
Hot... just like the weather outside!!
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
A imagem já é conhecida mas gosto tanto que merecia um destaque aqui! Feliz Dia Internacional da Mulher.
You probably saw this image before but i love it so much that i decided to post it here! Happy International Women's Day.
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york, the unreal bride and tendance fourmis.
Via LookBook
PS: Finalmente em Portugal... acabadinhos de chegar a casa... as saudades eram tantas!!
PS: We are finally in Portugal... home sweet home... we missed you!!
Credits: Valentino via Romantic Journeys
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond,niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
A Vogue adora animais... e os animais adoram... sapatos!!!
Vogue loves pugs.. and pugs love... shoes!!!
Credits: Raymond Meier via The Neo Tradicionalist
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
Elegantes e "quentinhos"... como se quer num dia como hoje!!!
Elegant and "warm".. perfect for a cold day like today!!!
Credits: Mademoiselle Mermaid's Shop on Etsy
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
O look total:
The all look:
Image via LookBook
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
Sapatos / Shoes : Sonia Rykiel via The Cherry Blossom Girl
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
Esta semana, a escolha é das nossas queridas Margarida e Vânia. Obrigada, meninas!
This week's pick is from Margarida and Vânia. Thank you, girls!
From Uterqüe
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
Photography by Andrew Kuykendall via Studded Hearts
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, blush printables, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
... é sempre mais especial, quando os sapatos são das nossas noivas...
... it's always special, when we post a pair of shoes from one of our brides...
Credits: Brancoprata (André Teixeira)
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
gostamos... muito, muito, muito!
we like it... very, very much!
Image by Tommy Ton for Style.com via Cinderella
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and tendance fourmis.
...Meias, sapatos e unhas , please!!!
...Pantyhose, shoes and nails, please!!
Via Creature Comforts!
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white, mercy new york and please welcome our new friend tendance fourmis.
Infelizmente não sei de quem são os sapatos.. só sei que encontramos a imagem aqui.
Unfortunately we don't know who made these cuties ... we found the image, here.
Credits: Via Diamond Bomb
Must see more on: postcards & pretties, demoiselle, meant to be sent, simply & forever, life in the superburbs, landlocked bride, swatchbook weddings, magnolia rouge, marry you me, beyond beyond, niche white