. Não só a "mala"... = Not ...
A escolha desta semana foi encontrada num dos blogs que, provavelmente já seguimos há mais tempo, o The Sartorialist! A malinha é giríssima mas, mais uma vez, todo o conjunto, agradou!
This week pick was found in one of our favorite fashion blogs, The Sartorialist! Love the purse, but once again, the whole outfit caught my eye!
Credits: The Sartorialist
Para onde quer que olhemos... laços, laços e mais laços... gostamos tanto! Com fotografias da Stephanie Williams, o Lookbook da Ruche é bom demais para passar ao lado!! Recomendamos uma chávena de café ou chá, uns minutos sem pensar no trabalho e uma visita sem pressas aqui!
Have you noticed that bows are everywhere these days... and we love them, I have to say! Shot by Stephanie Williams, Ruche's LookBook is too good to be true!! Just seat back, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and relax while you feast your eyes on this.
More Thursday Purse Day: Niche White Bridal Loft, Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding, PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent, A Realistic Wedding and Tendance Fourmis.
Via LookBook
A escolha desta semana tem tamanho suficiente para levar: maquilhagem, óculos graduados, óculos de sol, i-pad, 2 telemóveis, porta-moedas, moleskine, estojo com canetas de todas as cores, carregadores de telemóveis e de i-pad, chaves, lenços de papel e por vezes alguns acessórios (para usar, caso seja necessário) e o último número da revista da Martha Stewart... pois... não é nada fácil andar com a casa às costas, mas nós mulheres não conseguimos ser de outra forma!
This week's pick is big enough for: makeup, eyeglasses, sunglasses, i-pad, two mobile phones, identification documents, moleskine, pencil case with all sorts of colored pens, cell phone chargers, i-pad chargers, keys, tissue paper and sometimes a few accessories (because you never know when you are going to need them) and the latest issue of Martha Stewart Weddings... yes ... is not easy being a girl but that's just the way we are!!
Via Pinterest via Nice {Romero}
More Thursday Purse Day: Niche White Bridal Loft, Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding, PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent, A Realistic Wedding and Tendance Fourmis.
Perfeita a forma como o acessório se destaca da indumentária ... gosto, gosto muito!!
Oh Senhor... obrigada pelas quintas feiras e pela forma como alegram os meus dias...
Perfect, I love the way the handbag stands out from the all outfit... I love it, a lot!!
Oh Thank You Lord for Thursdays and how they brighten my day!!
Via Pinterest
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent, A Realistic Wedding and Tendance Fourmis.
Para esta semana, carteira giríssima em forma de bolinhos da sorte!
A very cool fortune cookie coin purse for this week pick! Enjoy!
Via See Saw Designs.
Não interessa se o vintage deixou de ser novidade... continua a ser um regalo para a vista!
It doesn't matter if vintage is not the lattest trend... it still is gorgeous!
Image via Country Living
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sentand A Realistic Wedding.
Cães com estilo, nesta Quinta Feira de malas!
Pugs with style on this Thursday Purse Day!
Credits: Raymond Meier via The Neo Tradicionalist
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
Esta semana a sugestão é para eles!!
This week it's for them!!
Images via LookBook
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding, PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
Image via Stockholm Street Style
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
Great & Small Coin purse da Anthropologie!
Great & Small Coin purse from Anthropologie!
Já agora aproveitem para ver este artigo muito interessante no The City Sage.
Oh and by the way, don't miss this very cool post on The City Sage.
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
Images via Bay Area Bags
Sabemos que os nossos sonhos e objectivos para 2011 não cabem dentro desta pequena mala mas não deixa de ser um mimo... até o esquema de cores é interessante e inspirador!
We know that our dreams and goals for 2011 don't fit inside this little purse but we don't care cause it's gorgeous... even the color scheme is perfect and so inspiring!
Image found on Kenzie Kate Photostream on Flickr.
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
Burberry Prorsum Pre Fall 2011, image Vogue.com via Haute Design
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
Simples & prático!!
Cozy & Cool!!
Credits: KG by Kurt Geiger via Pinterest
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
Credits: Aubin & Wills Outfits via Pinterest
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sent and A Realistic Wedding.
... e tem tanta "arrumação"!!
... you can have so many things inside that bag!!
More ThursdayPurseday: Niche White Bridal Loft,Enchanted Dream Weddings & Affairs, Sparkle & Hay, The Charity Wedding,PeachBride, The Demoiselle, Postcards & Pretties, Swatchbook Weddings ,Meant to be Sentand A Realistic Wedding.